W Bro Daniel on Duty

Discipline, precision, mutual respect, tolerance and empathy toward fellow lodge members. Those are only a few of the principles that embrace Freemasonry.

To talk about W. Bro Thomas Daniel, Tom to his friends, we need to start from the principles mentioned above. Those are the values that W. Bro Daniel has indelibly imprinted on his heart.

Coming from a background in the army, discipline was a big part of Tom’s life and, of course, when he left the army, he felt he needed to do something creative, to improve his life and give back part of what the army gave to him. “I have joined Bury Radio Society, as a keen amateur radio operator (2E0TFD) and founder of Prestwich Remembers (A not for profit committee that supports local veterans and facilitates the Remembrance Day parade) in my local community. I was also a member of the White Helmets motorcycle display team when I was in the army”.

When asked why he joined Freemasonry, Tom said: “I was initiated November the 8th 2019, after being introduced to Shakespeare Lodge, after being invited to a round table event arranged by Ark Scroll. I was a walk-in and joined through the Website”.

No need to say that a few months down the line, after having had his initiation, the full world went into a very rigid lockdown and no lodge was able to meet. It was then that the Manchester Level Club (MLC), now East Lancashire Level Club (ELLC) started to grow in numbers. Tom was one of them and he got easily involved with learning sessions over the lockdown, becoming the secretary of the MLC. Once the world started to get back to normal and everyone were allowed to meet, Tom and the MLC started to organize events. His dedication was well noticed and soon he become the Manchester City East Area secretary.

As with many other Freemason, Tom is devoted to his family.

He is married to Claire and together have a daughter called Milly. The family loves camping and spending time outdoors, hiking and many other activities where he can build memories with his daughter.

Being of a charitable nature, he cannot rest long enough without having something to do. When Tom has time in his hands for himself, he goes out cycling or boxing with his best friend Bro Elliott Jarvis with whom he cycled over the Province visiting every lodge during a weekend. Also, as he is very competitive, together they arranged a boxing event for charity. All the money going to the 2026 Festival.

Freemasonry could be a hobby for some, for others a way of escape from the daily routine of life or a means meeting your friends. For Tom, is the way to develop daily in helping the one in need, a step at the time.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto