The fourth Thursday in November is the Installation evening for Portico Lodge No. 6070. That time in every Lodge’s year where the WM and his Officers are Installed and Invested. Only this year there was one slight difference, due to illness and travel issues only three members of the Lodge could be present for the meeting.

The pandemic has affected many Lodges in one way or another but it has hit Portico 6070 harder than many others. The remaining members of Portico Lodge are determined to keep their Lodge open and only a few months into the Masonic season, it was time for their Installation meeting so it was all hands to the pump to make the meeting a success.

Brethren from seven different Manchester Lodges and the Manchester Level Club answered the call for help and assisted the members to proclaim WBro. Peter James Clarke the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. WBro. David Dean presided over the ceremony as the Lodge DC, he also delivered the Address to the Master with great aplomb. WBro Paul O’Carroll wrapped up the ceremony by delivering the Address to the Brethren.

WBro Sean Cullen pleasantly surprised the Installed WM when he offered to join the Lodge, news that was received with great enthusiasm by all those in attendance.

The evening ended with a lively, full and convivial social board. Spirits were high and the future of Portico 6070 is looking that little bit brighter.