Yesterday saw members of Palatine Chapter and Old Mancs with Mount Sinai Lodge walk from Warrington Masonic Hall to Manchester Masonic Centre as part of the University Scheme Challenge where they carried the DKW Cup on its journey around the UK.
The Universities Scheme Travelling Loving Cup, the DKW Cup, was presented to the Scheme by RW Bro. David Kenneth Williamson PAGM, Founder President of the Universities Scheme, on his retirement as President at the Scheme Conference on Saturday 7 November 2015.
The aim of the DKW Cup is to encourage inter-visiting between Universities Scheme Lodges and further our goals of fraternity and togetherness.
The Cup can be claimed by any visiting Scheme Lodge with four or more of its members present at a meeting of the Lodge currently holding the Cup.
If it wasn’t for the extraordinary hard work of our First Principal, Mo Afsa, who coordinated all of the walks in the North West and took care of the intricate logistics for the event, then this just wouldn’t have happened. As the lead walker, our Second Principal, Chris Armstrong not only walked the whole route but mapped out all the timings and stops on the day. Our thanks go to these two in particular. They were assisted by other members of both the chapter and lodge. We were even joined by a member of the OWF and she put most of us to shame as she not only walked the whole route but set the pace along the way. Please click this link Warrington to Manchester for photos of the day.

The day began at 07.30 at Warrington Masonic Hall, whose members provided breakfast and coffee for all. The bacon looked (and smelt) lovely! Well done Warrington, and thank you for your cheque to the cause. We are lucky to have Warrington as our ‘West Lancs’ home and we are building a great relationship with the members there.
We set off at 08.00 with the support team waiving a cheery farewell to the walkers. It would be a challenging day for the support team. I mean we had to sit in the cars whilst it rained! But we were there if any walker needed assistance, which thankfully they didn’t. I noticed a slight look of disappointment on Dr Mo’s face when it became obvious that his many years’ training at medical school would prove to be wasted on this occasion.

The support team met up with the walkers at various prearranged meeting points. The walkers were offered refreshments as and when needed. Soon we arrived at Eccles Masonic Hall where the walkers were joined by WBro John Farrington DeptPGM and a nice young chap who is to be initiated into OMWMS Lodge soon.
With the numbers swelling, and the weather brightening up we merrily made our way to Salford Masonic Hall, greeted by their District Chairman and refreshments to eventually arriving at the Manchester Masonic Centre well ahead of time where we were joined by other prospective candidates, to be greeted by Sir David Trippier, PGM. We were treated to a wonderful canape buffet with drinks. Thanks to OMWMS for their generosity.

It was a real honour to be part of this event, UGLE’s way of saying Masonry is Back. I do look forward to sharing an evening with you in the lodge or chapter very soon.
Report by David Basger
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