On Wednesday, the 19th of February, Zetland Lodge no 852 celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry for Anthony Robert Moore
Des Tilley took the chair for the evening and opened the Lodge in due form. Following a report, Lee Gridley, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, entered the Lodge and announced that Peter Hegarty, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the City West Area, was outside the Lodge and that he demanded admission.
Once the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by a City West Area Delegation, was seated, the Worshipful Master offered him the gavel, which he was delighted to accept on this occasion.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master introduced the members of the City West Area delegation, which included, Chris Armstrong, Area Chairman, Peter Rees, Area Secretary, Peter Tonge, Area Treasurer and Andrew Foster, Area Membership Officer.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master then asked the Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies to place Tony in the centre of the lodge, where the Assistant Provincial Grand Master gave a tribute to him.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master then called upon Peter Tonge to read a personal tribute to Tony when we heard a lot more about the friendship and assistance Tony has provided his Masonic colleagues over the years. Using his skill as an electrician and all round handiness (at the festive board we heard of the time Tony installed a shower for the WM who had only asked if he knew of someone who could do the work). Tony being the kind of guy you can rely on to roll up his sleeves and give his time selflessly to help.
Peter Rees was then asked to read a personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master after which the Assistant Provincial Grand Master presented the illuminated certificate, nicely framed, to Tony.
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master then asked the Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies to parade Tony about the Lodge to acclamation from the assembled Brethren
After a collection of good works, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master retired with his retinue and with Tony More at his side.
Later, at the festive board, 20 Brethren gathered to celebrate with Tony, who, in his response to the toast from Peter Tonge, regaled them with more interesting anecdotes from the 50 years. Tony also thanked those involved in organising the evening and then presented the Hemsley House Hall Chairman with £500 towards the works to maintain the Hall.
A raffle raised a substantial amount to go towards Tony’s chosen charity of “Singing with Dementia”.
A great night of Freemasonry for a great Freemason. Congratulations, Tony Moore.
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