Manchester Level Club

Manchester Level Club is run by light blue Manchester Masons and was formed in 2016, to bring together newer Brethren from Lodges that convene at different dates and times across Manchester.
The club is a great way to meet and socialise with your fellow junior Brethren who are yet to attain Provincial Grand Rank or equivalent. It also gives junior and newly initiated Masons time to learn some more of what goes on, why it is done, along with the meaning and relevance behind it. One of the most valuable parts of Freemasonry is the friendships that you build along the way. The MLC team is here to encourage and promote interaction through Learning Circles, Social Events, and much more amongst our members. We aim to help newer masons meet and make friends with others in the same stage of their masonic journey.
Membership is free. There is no joining fee or annual subscription. The only expenditure would be for anything incurred at the events you attend.
We sat down with our current Chairman Brother Aaron Garner to find out some about his Masonic Journey. feel free to get in touch us here