Joining Freemasonry
How Do I Join?
So your interest is piqued, and you want to know more and to take the next step, before you do it’s worth asking yourself a few questions.
Are you at least 21 years old?
You have to be at least twenty one years old to join Freemasonry.
Students over 18 can join one of the Province’s University Scheme Lodges.
Do you believe in a supreme being?
You must believe in a supreme being to be a Freemason. We won’t ask about religion, that is personal to you.
Given your current stage of life and personal circumstances, do you have the time available to commit to joining and becoming an active Freemason?
The number of meetings per year varies from Lodge to Lodge, but you might expect at least six full meetings per year, together with two, three or four less formal rehearsal, learning and social meetings a month. Health warning. Freemasonry can become addictive, and many Freemasons belong to several lodges or additional Masonic order
Can you afford it ?
While not disproportionately expensive, there is a cost to Freemasonry (Joining fee, regular lodge subscription, dining fee, regalia) and it is vital that you factor that into your consideration. While each lodge differs in cost, you should anticipate paying somewhere in the region of 400-450 per year (to include dining after a meeting).

Decision Time
Becoming a Manchester Mason really is much easier than you think, there are actually only three steps to becoming a Freemason.

As part of the process, you will want to meet and talk to some Manchester Masons. They will also want to meet with you and discuss your interest and circumstances. There is a process for this which will be made clear to you.
That’s it. You’ve asked, you’ve met and been met. Everyone’s happy. You join and enjoy becoming a member of one of the world’s largest and oldest non-religious and non-political fraternal and charitable organisations.