The MLC in action

On Saturday the 11th of May, at Hemsley House, Salford, the Manchester Level Club (MLC), together with the Area Mentor, W Bro Titterton, hosted the Learning Sessiondesigned to help both new and inexperienced Brethren understand into the opening of lodge meetings.

The session explored the intricacies of the opening ritual and dived into the roles of the Principal and Assistant Officers, with plenty of opportunity to discuss and experience elements of the opening. This was a great opportunity especially for new Brethren that have not attended many meetings.

Together the with W Bro Titterton, the guys from the MLC took the opportunity to show in a Face-to-Face event the importance of ritual. It shows how this serves to establish the lodge as a Sacred space for conducting Masonic Works and ensuring harmony among members.

Opening rituals involve Mentioning the Great Architect of the Universe and confirming that none but Masons are present. This will ensure cooperation and brotherhood,two of the most important values in Freemasonry.

For some, Ritual is only something that Freemasonry doesin the lodge, in that Temple where once closed, everything is perfect and regular, but the truth is far deeper than that. Ritual helps young Masons to understand more, not only about the lodge, but about themselves, making them abetter human being. This learning session enables young masons to practice roles that they have only seen but not undertaken, enabling them to practice the roles that they will one day undertake.

Freemasonry it’s a society built on some of the oldest principles in history, and the MLC, with their Team, it’s bringing those values around, planting the seed of the future.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto