City West Area Team

Mark Davis Picture

Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Peter Hegarty PSGD, AProvGM

Paul Ocarol Picture

Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals EComp Mohamad Afsa PAGDC, AProvGP

Paul Ocarol Picture

District Chairman WBro Christopher Ian Armstrong PProvJGW

Ed Beaman Picture

Deputy Area Chairman WBro Stephen Wallace PProvGSwdB

Ed Beaman Picture

Area Membership Officer WBro Andrew Foster PprovGSwdB (PProv1stAGSoj)

Ed Beaman Picture

Area Secretary WBro Peter Ian Rees PProvDepGDC

Ed Beaman Picture

Deputy Area Secretary WBro Alan Shields PProvJGW (W/L)

Ed Beaman Picture

Area Treasurer WBro Peter Tonge PProvJGW (PProvDepGDC)

Ed Beaman Picture

Communications Officer WBro Benjamin Thomas Davies PProvSGD

Ed Beaman Picture

Area Mentor WBro Pat Farr PProvJGW (Essex)

Ed Beaman Picture

Deputy Area Mentor WBro Michael Dugdill PProvDepGDC

Ed Beaman Picture

Area Charity Steward Wbro Ian Roderick MacNeill PProvDepGDC (ProvAGStdB)

Area Almoner Alan Potts PProvSGW (PProvGSN)

Ed Beaman Picture

Assistant Area Charity Steward WBro Eric Baker

Ed Beaman Picture

TLC Coordinator WBro Eric Baker

Ed Beaman Picture

Royal Arch Area Officer EComp Wayne Bagnall PProvGWSTB (PProvDEPDC)

Ed Beaman Picture