by Nick Druce | Mar 17, 2021 | Charity, ELMC, Manchester Level Club, MCF, News
Hewlett Court are considering the possibility of recruiting a general maintenance person for general internal and external maintenance and improvements including gardening. The post would be part-time and initially maybe two half days a week which would be reviewed...
by Darren Fletcher | Dec 17, 2020 | Charity, Manchester Level Club, News, Wood Street Mission
Manchester Level Club, the club for young and new Masons in Manchester, recently held a charity auction and managed to raise the spectacular amount of £4000 for a charity which is close to the hearts of all Manchester Masons – Wood Street Mission. Due to the... by Darren Fletcher | Nov 20, 2020 | Manchester Level Club, News
Manchester Level Club held a charity auction on Saturday the 14th November and raised over £4000 for children in poverty. You can relive the comedy element of the auction as it was streamed live hosted by the Manchester Level Club Chairman – Bro Darren Fletcher.... by Darren Fletcher | Oct 27, 2020 | Manchester Level Club, News
Manchester Level Club have been arranging much needed funds for Wood Street Mission a charity that helps families in poverty with a focus on children. As part of fundraising one of our Brethren Bro. Darren Fletcher has helped to secure a large amount of...
by Darren Fletcher | Oct 27, 2020 | Manchester Level Club, News
Manchester Level Club (MLC) are back raising money for worthy causes around the district this time they are running a charity auction for Wood Street Mission on the 14th of November. The link to the auction can be found here and clicking on any of the images...
by Darren Fletcher | Oct 27, 2020 | Manchester Level Club, News
Manchester Level Club (MLC) are back raising money for worthy causes around the district this time they are running a charity auction for Wood Street Mission on the 14th of November. The link to the auction can be found here and clicking on any of the images...
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