by Darren Fletcher | Aug 25, 2022 | 2026 Festival, Charity, Manchester Districts, Manchester Level Club, News
On Thursday 18th August, Masons from East Lancashire set out on an ambitious fundraising hike in support of the East Lancs Festival 2026. WBro Mark Davis APGM and Bro’s Thomas Daniel and Elliot Jervis set out the 4-night, 85-mile trek following Hadrian’s...
by Darren Fletcher | Jun 6, 2022 | 2026 Festival, Charity, ELMC, Hewlett Court, Manchester Level Club, MCF
There have been many street parties thrown in honour of Her Majesty the Queens’ Platinum Jubilee, however, there was one certainly not to be missed this weekend at Hewlett Court – the residential home supported by the East Lancashire Masonic Charity. The...
by Darren Fletcher | Apr 10, 2022 | Charity, Hewlett Court, Manchester Districts, Manchester Level Club, News
Manchester Masons hosted the Annual Broken Column Lunch for Widows of Masons on Sunday, 3rd April 2022, at Manchester Hall; it was great to see everyone again after a two-year-long break due to the pandemic. The Broken Colum Dinner is a day for celebrating all...
by Darren Fletcher | Mar 11, 2022 | Charity, Manchester Districts, Manchester Level Club
On Monday 7th March 2022 Two Brethren from Shakspere 1009 left the UK and headed to Ukraine with a van packed with over one tonne of urgently needed food, hygiene and medical supplies for displaced Ukrainian nationals escaping into Slovakia. Working with the...
by Nick Druce | Oct 1, 2021 | Covid-19, Manchester Districts, Manchester Level Club, News
On Thursday the 30th September, seventy Manchester Masons and Royal Arch Masons accompanied by their partners attended Manchester Hall to celebrate the return of Freemasonry in Manchester. Those in attendance were either Worshipful Masters, Wardens or First...
by Nick Druce | Sep 17, 2021 | Manchester Level Club, News
It has been a strange time for all of us this past year, and as a result of the current pandemic this is the first ever MLC AGM that was held on Zoom. There were around 25 attendees, and we were honoured to host our former APGM W.Bro. Chris Welton among us as an...
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