Aaron Garner the East Lancashire Level Club Chairman

When stepping into a lodge room, the first thing many people notice is its checkered floor tile, and in talking about Bro A. Garner, Maccabee 8947, this would be the most appropriate example to describe The man behind the apron.

The checkered floor tile represents a very important part in masonic life but also in the first-degree Tracing board as a representation of the ground floor of Kind Solomon’s Temple and is emblematic of human soul divided in two by darkness and light.

To achieve such a level, an individual must start by improving his spiritual and moral being by education and acquisition of knowledge, exactly like the checkered floor.

Aaron Born in Norfolk joined as a walk-in straight after the Covid Pandemic in 2019 after moving to Manchester from Cambridgeshire with his family He and his wife Chantel have been married for 21 years and have three children of 20, 17 and 8 years old.

“When I moved to Manchester, I was looking for a way of meeting likeminded people interested in self-development as that’s also my professional field. It was at that time that UGLE was doing some great marketing work and their tag line of “making good men better” struck a chord. I contacted PGLEL and they put me in touch with W. Bro Ed Beaman, but Covid slowed down the full process and I had to wait but luckily, I was initiated into Maccabee 8947, and have loved it ever since. My expectation has been far exceeded, and Freemasonry has certainly played a huge role in my life since then. I’ve enjoyed the social, charitable, educational, and traditional elements and hope to do so for many years to come”.

For Aaron Freemasonry isn’t just a hobby, but a real lifestyle and when he has time, he enjoys reading books about the society. His three children are fascinated by the fraternity and are asking to join him He helps with the charitable work in and outside the lodge, often accompanied by his wife and younger son. Aaron has quickly become the Chairman of the Manchester Level Club (MLC),before being appointed as chairman of the East Lancashire Level Club (ELLC) where Masons aspiring to be Worshipful Master can develop their knowledge and become better human being and masons.

Like everyone else, when body and mind need a proper break, together with his family, Aaron enjoys playing his various instruments, especially the guitar, a mutual hobby in his family but also, especially when the weather outside its cold and damp, the family love to play board games. When the sun shines with its meridian splendour outside, hiking the Peaks and Moors becomes their favourite hobby.

When asked what’s his goal in life, Arron said: “I know it’s a cliche but, trying to be a better man tomorrow than I was today, this is my goal. “That applies to personal and professional life, and hopefully that mindset rubs off on my sons too. With MLC first and now the ELLC, during my term as Chairman, my focus is on “Involvement”, with the Team trying to highlight, to new and Junior Brethren, the range of activities available to them in Freemasonry that suits their wants and needs. I don’t have any set goals for my own Masonic Journey, but I’m enjoying every step of it and excited to see what the future holds”.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto