On Saturday,17th December 2022, Droylsden Lodge 3282 celebrated the 30th anniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Stuart Butterworth PPDGDC, who was Initiated into Freemasonry in Droylsden Lodge on 14th December 1992.

The Lodge was opened in due form by Worshipful Master Carl Sauer. After the opening formalities were concluded, WBro Butterworth was escorted to a seat of honour in the Southeast by the Director of Ceremonies, WBro Peter Barton-Price.

The celebration of the 30th Anniversary of WBro Stuart Butterworth then commenced.

WBro Sam Simpson, acting Senior Deacon, came forward and briefly spoke about what was happening in the world in December 1992 when WBro Butterworth was Initiated. He then laid an Entered Apprentice apron across WBro Butterworths arm and reminded him of the significance of that first distinguishing badge. An engraved tankard which had been presented to WBro Butterworths proposer, WBro Geoff Lyons-Mound, on his Installation into the Chair of King Solomon and who presided over WBro Butterworths Initiation, was then presented to WBro Butterworth,

The Lodge was then opened in due form in the second degree.

Bro Allan Pennington, Junior Deacon, then came forward and gave an insight into WBro Butterworths working life and laid a Fellowcraft apron across WBro Butterworths arm as a reminder of his Passing ceremony, which took place on 8th Feb 1993.

The Lodge was then opened in due form in the third degree.

Bro Tony Worrall, the Organist, came forward to reminisce with WBro Butterworth about his Raising on 13th April 1993, after which Bro Phil Kelly, Senior Warden, re-presented WBro Butterworth with a Master Masons apron while laying it across his arm.

A Board of Installed Masters was convened, during which all eligible to be present offered their personal congratulations to WBro Butterworth.

The Lodge was called off for refreshment.

The Lodge was called on.

WBro Martin Hughes, Junior Warden, presented the working tools of a Master Mason to WBro Stuart Butterworth.

The Lodge was closed in the third degree as per ritual, during which WBro Butterworth substituted for the WM while the whisperings took place.

The Lodge was opened in the second degree.

Worshipful Master Carl Sauer then presented WBro Butterworth with the working tools of a Fellowcraft Freemason.

The Lodge was closed in the second degree and opened in the first.

Bro Allan Pennington, Junior Deacon, presented WBro Butterworth with the working tools of an Entered Apprentice Freemason.

Bro Stuart Fildes, a Steward, read a list of all the offices WBro Butterworth held during his Masonic career.

A commemorative certificate, signed by all the Brethren was presented to WBro Butterworth by WBro Bryan Dunt, Secretary, along with a personal tribute.

A jewel commemorating WBro Butterworths 30 years as a member of Droylsden Lodge 3282 was presented to him by WBro Paul Price, Chaplain, again with a personal tribute.

WBro Gary James, Inner Guard, was then escorted around the Lodge by the DC to receive applause and congratulations from the Brethren on his recent promotion to the rank of PPSGD.

WBro James then gave the Address to the Brethren in his own excellent and inimitable style.

Further personal tributes were given by WBro Peter Barton-Price, Director of Ceremonies, followed by more very kind words from the distinguished guests of the evening, APGM WBro Mark Davis PSGD, WBro Melvin Baxter Hill PJGD, City East District Chairman, WBro Paul OCarroll PJGW and WBro Stan Bibby .

The Lodge was closed in due form.

At the very enjoyable and entertaining Festive Board following the meeting, further tributes and congratulations were given to WBro Butterworth and the Brethren were treated to a tasty Christmas meal and tortured by some off-key carol singing.