On the Morning of Saturday the 8th of March, the Brethren of the East Lancashire level club met for a day of training to perfect the fundamentals of masonry as well as to further themselves in their masonic career.

This event was the first example of a joint effort between two districts, having been organised by Bro Francesco Toto and Bro Tim Poole, the chairmen of City East and West respectively, and by all accounts on the day was a resounding success having been attended by some 20 masons from across the province, and even some visiting from our neighbours in the West Lancashire province.

ELLC taking part to the Learning Session

After the Brethren were all welcomed by Bros Toto and Poole, we started to practice the opening and closing of a lodge, giving some masons a chance to practice for the role they may have recently taken up in their lodge, and other had the chance to gain experience in an office that they had never tried before. Regardless of what each brother’s experience was, each mason left talking about how informative the days learning was and left with more confidence in masonic ritual. The ELLC’s ranks also grew that day, with some of the newer brethren, visiting for the first time, signing up as member before the session had come to an end.

This however was not the end of the day just yet, as Bro Nick Druce came forward to share a project he had been working on, a masonic poem about the ELLC, he read this poem out to the brethren gathered and, a fantastic piece, summing up each district within ELLC as well as our group as a whole. This poem will be available on the ELLC website, and I strongly urge all brethren to read at your earliest convenience.


This reading brought another brilliant day with the ELLC to a close, but there are still plenty of event to be involved in on the horizon. Details of all upcoming ELLC events can be found on the ELLC website and on our social media pages.

Story by Bro John Lane