The MLC Team taking part at the presentation

Enlightened thinkers who have helped shape the foundations of our modern society were often Freemason, belonging to various lodges in the country. Freemason have been credited with helping to spread the progressive ideals of the Enlightenment.

This way of thinking was associated with the 18th century where principles such as antimonarchism, meritocracy, constitutional government and republicanism were spreading faster.

The team with VW.M. John R. Farrington PGSwdB, PDepProvGM

The usage and customs among Freemasons have always borne an affinity to those of the ancient Egyptians, their philosophers unwilling to expose their mysteries to vulgar eyes, couched their systems of learning under signs and hieroglyphical figures.

Manchester Level Club (MLC) was formed to help newly made Brethren understand more about Freemasonry. They decided to hold a meeting where newly made Mason could attend an explanation/demonstration of what the First-degree Tracing Board (T.B.) This was demonstrated at the Provincial Grand Officers Lodge, no. 3747 ON 24/9/24

In the early days MASONS were builders, and the Tracing board was used to draw or calculate the design of an intended building but nowadays IN A MASONS LODGE it is used as an example illustration of the mysteries of the degree. Every Lodge explains the TB to give new brethren the chance to understand THE BOARD.

During this fascinating and mystical lecture, the members of the Level Club explained the Tracing Boards which are an essential part of lodge furniture. Sometimes displayed flat on the floor, and sometimes vertically against a pedestal or on the wall depending on the individual lodge

None of this would have been possible without VW.B. John R. Farrington, who helped the MLC to gain their experience but also to WBro Philip Titterton, PProvGReg, who helped with his knowledge. The Brethren involved in this adventure were: Bro’s. Poole – Monarch Lodge 3381, Mills – Felicity 4365, Sloan – Arkscroll 6549, Mills, Lane – King Edward VII 3329, Garner, Chairman of the MLC – Maccabee 8947, Grzesiek – Old Mancunian 3140 and Toto, Deputy Chairman of the MLC – Maccabee.

After the Explanation came to an end, VW.B. John R. Farrington PGSwdB, PDepProvGM called the lodge on again. Then, with the assistance of his Wardens closed the lodge before going to the Social board where all the brethren enjoyed a night of brotherhood and friendship with good food and wine.

Freemasonry for many will always remain a society with secrets but the reality of it is simple, it’s a lifestyle, that gets under the Brethren’s skin reaching the heart and becoming an important part of their life.

Story by Bro Francesco Toto