Welcome to the Home of Manchester Masons

For non-Masons, we hope this site opens our doors allowing you to appreciate the place of Freemasonry in society. Whether you want to find out more about Freemasons and what we do in our local communities or whether you really have an interest in discovering what membership means and are considering joining then welcome to our website. Please take your time to navigate through the pages to learn more about Manchester Masonry and Freemasonry in general.
For existing Manchester Masons we hope that you will find this website a way to stay updated regarding any news and events that are occurring in the Manchester Area.
Becoming a Manchester Mason enables you to become part of a vibrant and energetic organization within the heart of a city that has now gained international recognition as being one of the most exciting places to visit in the world. Manchester Masons are like-minded men who come together to meet at Manchester Hall. Their aim is to dedicate their lives to charitable causes while undertaking a lifetime journey of self-improvement through the learning that Freemasonry provides through it’s ceremonies.
For all the latest news and events, that goes on in the Manchester Province
Manchester Masons arrange lots of exciting events and trips throughout the years for members, families and friends to allow everyone to be involved.
Manchester Level Club
Manchester Level Club is run by light blue Manchester Masons and was formed in 2016, to bring together newer Brethren from Lodges that convene at different dates and times across Manchester.